31 December 2008

It's All Good

In multiple sources this week, I have seen people saying "good riddance" to 2008. Using those exact words, in fact. While I understand that many in 2008 found challenges on their doorsteps, I refuse to join the "good riddance" chorus.

From the standpoint of a realist, we do reap what we sow, don't we? Didn't we all know that we've been living in a house of credit cards that was bound to collapse beneath us? We, as individuals, families, cities, and the nation, have been deficit spending for so long that it has become the standard mode of operating. So, why are we acting so surprised when our harvest is nil?

But let's take a spiritual perspective. What if, instead of resenting the challenges that come our way, we thanked them? What if we practiced finding the silver lining, seeing the opportunities for growth, and feeling grateful for the blessings our challenging circumstances provide? We have that choice, each one of us.

Yes, it's easier said than done. But some are doing it. At the same time that I was hearing "good riddance 2008" from some, I was also reading others' expressions of gratitude for the people around them who enrich their lives. Now we're talkin'!

Let's create a counter-chorus, one of heartfelt joy and gratitude. As we reflect on 2008, let's choose to see the challenges as opportunities. And let's notice the countless blessings we enjoyed every day of the year.

Let's be grateful for the arrival of 2009, but not because it closes the door on an unhappy 2008. Rather, because it is full of potential for more opportunities and blessings.

Truly, it's all part of the Journey.

And, it's all Good.

1 comment:

  1. Em...
    This is very exciting.

    I love your post. Love the phrase "counter chorus". And what a great way to start out the new year - getting your post included in someone else's blog, on the topic of gratitude!

    Happy New Year!
