22 August 2008


I believe in abundance. That there is plenty to go around. That everything is energy, and energy must flow.

I live this belief every day. I feel grateful for everything in my life--little, big, and in between. I freely give to others - love, time, energy, money, and material things - without expectation. And, I don't worry--most of the time. This week I'm being chased by the worry monster more than usual.

A friend once said, "It's easy to believe in abundance when you have it." Now that I have spent most of my cash while living the unemployed life for 18 months, I am feeling the truth of my friend's comment. I'd like to think I have faith enough that it wouldn't be true, and I do have a strong faith. But it's harder this week.

But I know that money is just one form of energy. I do have abundance in every other form--more blessings than I could enumerate. And I am grateful!

I walk in the faith that all my financial needs are met.

It's all a journey,

1 comment:

  1. Walking in faith, AND taking action, is what I've been taught. But when the worry monster comes up, as it does every day with having my own business, it's like walking through brier in the woods! Thanks for writing. Keep it up! Norie
