22 April 2009

Does the Planet Really Need Saving?

Today is Earth Day!

It's a day to appreciate and celebrate all of the rich blessings Mother Earth offers us. It's also a day to reaffirm our intention to treat her well.

What caught my eye this week are three simple words, words I've seen a hundred times, but never really thought about before.

Save The Planet

It's a nice marketing slogan, and perhaps I should leave it at that.

But, does the planet really need saving? If we do nothing to reduce greenhouse gases, to use renewable energy sources, to put fewer toxins into our soils and waters, to put fewer plastics in landfills, etc., is it the planet that is facing peril?

No, I believe Mother Earth will be just fine. Polar caps may melt, land masses may change shape, species may go extinct. But the Planet, She will survive.

I suppose what is really meant by the slogan is Save Our Hides. Because that is what is at stake--human life as we know it.

Even still, unless all land masses are submerged and nobody builds an ark in time, there will be some humans left. And, those folks will certainly reduce greenhouse gases, use renewable energy sources, put fewer toxins into our soils and waters, and put fewer plastics in landfills. Most certainly.

And all will be well. The Planet will be Saved.

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