I just received Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy(R) Monthly Newsletter for February 2009. It is available free at www.angeltherapy.com.
I can't agree more with her main article, "On Giving, Receiving, and Healing the Economy by Doreen Virtue." I encourage you to get the newsletter and read the article in full.
Ms. Virtue suggests that we each have power to heal the economy by acting with confidence and courage. She says, "The economy appears to be stalled, because there’s a fear of the security in the future. Yet, by holding back on spending or giving, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy and a bottle-neck effect."
I say YES! to this. I believe that money is just one form of energy. Consider electricity: if the circuit is broken, the energy doesn't flow. So, too, with money; stopping the flow at my hand stops it from flowing to me. To receive more, I must keep it flowing through my hand.
Of course, there is opportunity for discernment as we each decide the direction to send our money. I heartily agree with her encouragement to buy goods at locally-owned stores.
Ms. Virtue also urges us to continue giving "with joy and courage," and being generous with those in need. Every day, find an opportunity to give somebody "a smile, a hug, words of encouragement, a ride, a meal, or money."
I say another YES! The act of giving, especially without expectation of getting something in return, is an expression of abundance and gratitude. I believe that when we give, no matter the form of the energy--love, time, labor, kindness, goods, money, etc.--we are effectively saying to the Universe, "I am grateful that I have enough of this to share, and I trust that I will have enough to share in the future." What a powerful statement!
Finally, I appreciate that Ms. Virtue offers actions that we can take to reduce our fears and increase our faith. Of her five suggestions, these are my two favorites:
"Write your worries or concerns and put them in a special box (I call it a God Box) as a physical demonstration of "letting go and letting God" help you with the issues."
"Keep asking yourself: "What is the blessing within this situation?" There’s always a silver lining to every seeming problem."
For the full text of her remarks, including the other three actions you can take, request her newsletter at her website: http://www.angeltherapy.com.
Thank you, Doreen Virtue!
Amen, and Blessed be!
Gear List for Backpacking in the Summer
15 years ago