22 August 2008


I believe in abundance. That there is plenty to go around. That everything is energy, and energy must flow.

I live this belief every day. I feel grateful for everything in my life--little, big, and in between. I freely give to others - love, time, energy, money, and material things - without expectation. And, I don't worry--most of the time. This week I'm being chased by the worry monster more than usual.

A friend once said, "It's easy to believe in abundance when you have it." Now that I have spent most of my cash while living the unemployed life for 18 months, I am feeling the truth of my friend's comment. I'd like to think I have faith enough that it wouldn't be true, and I do have a strong faith. But it's harder this week.

But I know that money is just one form of energy. I do have abundance in every other form--more blessings than I could enumerate. And I am grateful!

I walk in the faith that all my financial needs are met.

It's all a journey,

18 August 2008

Em on Spirituality

In this blog, I'd like to share my thoughts about spirituality.

I have a strong belief system, one that I've been developing for at least 20 years. It's eclectic, woven with colorful threads from a variety of religious traditions. And it's practical.

On a given day, I might like to share about a component of my belief system, about how it's working in my daily life, or about my understanding (and sometimes challenges with) other perspectives.

It's all a journey,